Sunday, 28 October 2012

The Avengers Title Sequence

The title sequence for the film “The Avengers” shows the different superheroes that are going to feature in the film. It starts by revealing their attires and their iconic weapons.  The sequence also shows the actors names next to the attire they wear.

The genre of the film in constructed through the use of the characters clothes and weapons. The clothes shown resemble those of which superheroes wear, and the use of their weapons further suggests this. It has also been constructed through the use of the music, as the music is relatively upbeat, and like a heroic song as if something has been accomplished or discovered. 

The opening titles show some of the different characters that are going to feature in the film. It also reveals what weapon or accessory they hold, but instead of showing a full shot of them, it glimpses over the characters as if someone is gazing over them, placing the viewer in the position as if they are examining the characters. The fonts also move with the camera, which imitates the eyes of the viewer. It also creates narrative enigmas at this point, as you notice that they costume is as if they have been in a fight, as they are ripped scratched and partially ruined.  This suggests that they have been in a battle. The first sign of this is shown on Captain America’s shoulder, as it has a tear, and looks worn down, shown through use of close ups and extreme close ups.

The genre of the music used in The Avengers title sequence is instrumental, also called fanfare. Fanfare is usually associated with wartime, which involves violence and fighting. I think the filmmakers have decided to use this track to drawn more attention to what is being shown on the film, as it does not feature any lyrics. Also, it makes the film have a heroic/discovery element, as this type of music is usually associated with finding something important or when someone does something good. The effect of this music choice shows the film is going to involve action of some sort, and will feature heroic moments.

The sequence has been edited to show different sections of the different characters. The transitions used are relatively smooth when it changes to each character, as you hardly notice the change in shot until the costume is shown. Also the pace of the edit is slow/medium, as it gives the audience enough time to recognize the characters in the shot, but also does so in a timely manor, meaning it doesn’t spend too much time on each character. Judging by the sequence, the shot focuses on each character at a relatively same length as each other.

The typography used in the sequence looks like metal/armor. The use of the colour of the typography connotes heroic, purity and all that is good. It suggests that the characters in the shot are the good guys, and the heroes. The fonts used are relatively sharp looking, which further suggests the connotation of armor and the way it shines in the sequence further connotes this. The font hints at the genre of action. It also hints at a present setting, as the font looks modern and almost futuristic. Also, the font, such as action, fighting, protection and so on, can determine the themes off the film. The font shows this due to its colour and what it connotes.

As a whole, the title sequence suggests to me that the film will definitely involve action, fighting and maybe death. It also suggests that the characters in the sequence as the good guys, due to the music and the colour of their attires are relatively colourful and bright. The whole film connotes that there is obviously something extremely bad is going to happen, due to the fact that it requires more than one superhero to take them down, and it requires them to form a team.

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