Sunday, 28 October 2012

Halloween III: Season of the Witch Title Sequence

The title sequence or Halloween III: Season of the Witch reveals all the actors and important people involved with the film. It starts with creepy, slow and dramatic music, and with what seems to be a flickering screen - making it seem to be vintage.

The genre of the film, is constructed through the use of the music, the colours used in the sequence, and the imagery that is being shown. The music reveals the genre, due to the spookiness of it, and the way it comes across as almost chilling. Also, the colours used in the sequence are blacks and oranges. The colours black and orange, connote darkness and death, and is normally associated with Halloween, which is a scary day of the year. Also, the names of the people involved are in blue, which could suggest that there is some innocence remaining in the film, and its not completely evil. Finally, the imagery shown shows the genre, due to the use of the pumpkin, which again, is linked to Halloween time of the year.

The sequence starts with what appears to be an old fashioned television, flickering, as if it is being turned on. This could suggest that television may play an important part in the film, or have some significance. Also, it makes it creepy, due to the flickering screens and the music used in this particular part. It does not reveal too much about what will happen in the film, due to only showing orange lines which form a pumpkin. It shows nothing that happens in the film.

The genre of the music used in the sequence vegins as almsot sci-fi type music, but then changed into a low humming sound, which makes it come across as dark and mysterious. I think this type of music has been chosen, to add to the atmosphere of mystery and to make it seem more frightening, and to contribute to make the audience get in the mood for the film.

The way the sequence has been edited, reveals little sections of the image of a pumpkin at a time. This may have been done to hint at the fact that the film will be shown to reveal little parts of information at a time, and you will not know the full story until the very end of the film - as the entire pumpkin was only shown at the end of the film.

Also, the typography used in the sequence is bold and mostly in capitals. The colour of the font used, contrasts with the colour scheme of the sequence, as the sequence uses dark colours that connotes death and darkness, and the names of the people involved use dark blues, which changes into a light blue. The use of the dark blue, changing into a lighter blue, could be suggesting that someone or something maybe changing from evil too good, due to light blue connoting purity.

Overall, I think the title sequence is effective for the genre of the film, as it reveals hardly any details about the film itself, as it shows no scenes in the film, and it does not reveal the whole image of the pumpkin at one times. Also, the music makes the sequence more dramatic and frightening, as it is slow and the base is down low. Finally, the colours contribute to the film, as the film in named "Halloween" and the colours and the image of the pumpkin linked to the  day Halloween.

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