Thursday, 15 November 2012

Film Studios

The Aims

* To be able to indicate how films are produced and distributed.
* To research and decide upon the film studio who will produce/distribute your film.

What is a film studio?

A studio is a company that produces and/or distributes motion pictures.

Who are the main six studios of today?

There are 6 main studios operating today:
Walt Disney
Warner Brothers
Sony/ Columbia

What is a sub division?

Each of these studios will own sub divisions which specialize in niche films. This is normally based on genre and the budget required for the film.

What is synergy?
Synergy is the interaction of two or more forces working together to produce a greater outcome compared to their original efforts.

What is a distribution company?

The distribution company is in charge of getting the film out to audiences, this involves organizing for the film to receive an age certificate by regulation bodies such as the BBFC and MPAA; arranging exhibition outlets globally and DVD/Television rights; arranging for prints of the film; and marketing publicity and promotion of the film.

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